
Monday, July 26, 2010

Check Out The Book of The Week!!!

Hey My Pretties,

I just read a great book full of awesome low-cal tasty food!!! Be sure to check it out in the Book of the Week Section!!!

Here's a sneak peek at what The View Thought!!!

Hungry Girl Happy Hour: 75 Recipes for Amazingly Fantastic Guilt-Free Cocktails and Party Foods
Please click on the book for more information!!!


I also have and love (Click on the photos for more info):
Hungry Girl 1-2-3: The Easiest, Most Delicious, Guilt-Free Recipes on the PlanetHungry Girl: 200 Under 200: 200 Recipes Under 200 CaloriesHungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real WorldHungry Girl Chew the Right Thing: Supreme Makeovers for 50 Foods You Crave


  1. Those wanton things look amazing! I'm going to have to look up these books and see if I can get some good stuff! I love trying new things. PS Love Whoopi!

  2. Hey Kristen I ordered this book off of Amazon yesterday! Can't wait to get it!!
